The Burrell School District, in partnership with Westmoreland Intermediate Unit 7 and other contracted services and agencies, provides services for children identified as having special needs. Each student with a disability who is a resident of the district shall be provided quality educational programs and services that meet the student’s needs for educational, instructional, transitional and related services. The special education program is designed to comply with law, conform to the district goals; and integrate programs of special education with the regular instructional program of the schools, consistent with the best interests of the student with a disability and the other students.
Classes are provided for learning disabled, emotionally disabled and mentally challenged students at their home schools. Classes for other special education programs are located in nearby school districts, with transportation provided by the Burrell School District.
Speech, hearing, and vision therapists work on an individual and small group basis with children who have identified speech, hearing and / or vision problems that interfere with learning. Physical and occupational therapy are provided as recommended by a physician. These services are provided by the Westmoreland Intermediate Unit 7.
School psychologists are available through the ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 and independent contractors. Upon the request of a building principal, these psychologists, as members of the multi-disciplinary team, assist in the analysis of student data and make recommendations concerning placement and / or services.
Parents of students who suspect their child is in need of special education may request a multidisciplinary team evaluation of their child through a written request to the building principal or Dr. Gregory Egnor, Director of Special Education/LEA at 724-334-1483.